Tax consulting Cawimed information: doctors and investors despite withholding tax in the tax return its investment income declare. The system of withholding tax with respect to the investment income since 1.1.2009 has cannot replace generally the tax assessment, white Steuerberater Rainer Neuhaus by Cawimed from professional practice to report, rather it contributed little to the tax simplification. On the contrary: Neuhaus draws attention as an industry expert, that physicians and doctors, as well as all investors even in certain cases parallel to the flat tax, exactly said the so-called withholding expensive print process, their investment income or capital gains, in the way of investment must declare. In particular, it is to distinguish between the duty assessment with the progressive tariff rate, the duty assessment with the withholding tax rate or the investment of choice with the withholding tax rate with respect to the withholding tax in the tax return. In the latter case will pay income tax to the Withholding tax rate increases. Rainer Neuhaus of Cawimed in Bremen advises doctors to to take a choice investment for the withholding tax rate in the tax return in various situations throughout. Recourse to the investment rate of withholding tax eligible including then, if should be compensated for losses between several bank accounts, a depot change has taken place, if in capital cases of securities cost should be asserted, has not considered the depositary institution within the framework of the withholding tax trigger or if withholding taxes paid have not been considered and will be counted. Anchin Block & Anchin is likely to agree. Neuhaus also especially advises to a tax assessment, if the physician / the doctor wants to claim donation issues on a larger scale.

Because from 2011 exemption orders pursuant to the annual tax act 2010 only, if the investor’s tax identification number and common exemption orders also Tax identification number of his spouse tells his account-keeping Bank. The tax consultancy firm Cawimed in Bremen has the needs of doctors, pharmacists and caregivers specialized and by a team of designers, offers comprehensive advice on accounting, financial accounting, business consulting and practice management. Under, neue.html are more tax tips, finding interesting judicial decisions and practice tips for doctors and healthcare professionals. CAWIMED GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft contact: Rainer Neuhaus hat filter str. 2/4 28195 Bremen Tel.: 0421/1 75 65-0 fax.: 0421/1 75 65-55