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Downsizings Training

SMEs have a long to develop the culture of Commerce, has little trader culture, which does not allows us to take a good North for this type of activity, we must develop more creativity, effectiveness, trade for the internationalization of our economy. Weak system of electronic trading, because there are deficiencies in strategic planning for training and opinions of training by firms, little interest in developing, training, its human resources, lack of a classroom management of new markets, open new panoramas, with desire to be trained and upgraded to a level of quality for the development of excellent products. Due to the characteristics of SMEs and their organizational climate, there is a serious interest in hiring professionals who can master other languages with the intention to search for other markets International. On the other hand, there is no doubt, that the Venezuelan political climate has become a threat to the implementation of their trade policies, because there are many contradictions between the Government and the private sector. Continuous clashes between private sector and Government do not allow to obtain important between both sectors agreements so that the country may achieve its objectives, on the one hand many entrepreneurs do not have the capacity to be innovative, creative, and nor are able to decipher the investment opportunities in Venezuela with a real vision and mission, and Moreover the Government continues to have institutions with excessive bureaucracy and its failure in incentives to the private sector and at the end the affected they are SMEs. What should be undertaken on the subject to know the opportunities that have opened up?, among some: 1. achieve decrypt correctly the investment opportunities in the country under the current Government 2.

Search for viable alternatives to reduce slightly the impact of the policies imposed by the current Government such as the exchange control and currency, regulation and standards present in the destination country. 3. An excellent policy of marketing that allows the consumer to address demand so that it is not distorted by some entrepreneurs. 4 Focus all efforts in search of a true human talent that is capable of responding to situations of uncertainty and knows understand the cultural reality Venezolana as other countries. 5 Should the State, offering greater support to Venezuelan companies so that they can apply tools that help them to become more competitive in international markets such as: application of Thinkertoys, Topgradings, or Downsizings to name a few. Source: Virtual classroom, international trade Chair, notes programme master of management, markets mention, Faces, UC.