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Heating Costs: With A Cool Head Through The Heating Season

(Online article) – good to know: the four most important tips for renters and homeowners in the heating season bring tips for the efficient use of heating money. In the face of continued high prices for natural gas and fuel oil, worth it especially, emphasized the country program future building of the Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg. The notes are easily achievable without sacrificing comfort: include about a reasonable setting.Keep the radiator, temperature and proper ventilation. A significant reduction in the heating costs is so future vintage through energy efficiency measures such as insulation, new heating technology and renewable energy possible. Energy consultants give advice here. More than two-thirds of the energy required in German households accounted for space heating. Now in the cold season and in regard to the high level of energy costs the topic is particularly relevant.

There is a dealing sensitively with the heating system and the implementation of energy efficiency measures worth definitely. When turning on the heating: In the Living – and working area is a temperature of ‘ around 20 degrees Celsius mostly sufficient. Rooms, rarely used, should be no warmer than 16 degrees. In living rooms, even at night, this temperature is appropriate. The difference in heating costs is significant”, says Dieter Bindel, Chairman of the Baden-Wurttemberg State Association of building energy consultants, engineers, craftsmen; (GIH).

One degree Celsius of less saves usually 6% heating costs. At four degrees there are already whole 22 percent.”‘ Be taken into account should also on a free area of the radiator, so am del. cabinets and shelves nearby Dieter prevented a distribution of heat. Closed shutters at night and curtains be worthwhile also. They ensure a better insulation. Proper ventilation is a further Energiesparmittel: it reduces heat losses to outside. Shock airing is good for the comfort and economically. Three times a day a few minutes is sufficient. By tilting the window during the heating season discourage construction experts. Really to reduce energy costs, Claudia was possible through energy efficiency measures, reiterates Rist, Director of future building. In most cases an insulation of the building envelope is about an insulation of the facade, roof, or the basement most economically.” Energy consultants can assess what measures worth especially in the individual case, best spot. The effective consulting fees, usually between 100 and 400 euros, were well spent, so the country program. Future building informed housing and homeowners regardless of the benefits of energy-efficient modernization of old buildings and about funding opportunities. Target is a faster rehabilitation of the building stock. The programme is implemented by the climate change and Energy Agency of Baden-Wurttemberg. Fn