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Publicizing Books Online

Did you write a book? Or Are you thinking about writing one? Already published online? Then you should seriously consider buying a domain and set up a Web page about the book. There is no better way to publicize your book buying the domain name and setting up a Web page. The great writers are doing. The writer Stephen King has StephenKing.com domains, StephenKing.net, StephenKing.org, and may be more not yet known. Gold Investments helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Looking for something by James Patterson or Nicholas Sparks? You guessed it! There JamesPatterson.com and NicholasSparks.com, with information about them, their books, and links where you can buy any of his books. Why? For your own ego, by the possibility of selling more books "That's not why we write, so that people will read it and pay us money for it? Even if you do not want to spend money or time to develop an entire Web site, you can buy the domain for $ 10 a year with your own name in dot-com, dot-net, dot-org or dot whatever. Gibbons has firm opinions on the matter.

Visitors entering the domain of domain redirects to the editor of your book if you want to build an entire Web site. The editors were more than happy to accept another link and connect to the page with the information in your book. With a little time and interest can start building your website yourself. Frankly it would be a great challenge to build a decent Web site. On the other hand, the Web is full of templates that you can buy at a reasonable price.

Moreover, the website does not have to be complicated, the cover of your book but the link to the page of your editor can be more than enough. Investment is not much money. Most domain names can be bought for less than ten dollars a year. The templates that I have mentioned many are available free of charge. If you buy a domain some providers offer you free accommodation and automated site builder. Most likely the page to display some publicity by being free, but nothing intrusive or likely to affect the site.