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Social Marketing

In marketing, customer relations is of great importance, but it is not easy to achieve this, there are problems in practice.We have to take time to find out what those problems are and fix them. Perhaps we are faced with the fundamental elements of a good customer relationship program. A careful examination reveals that relations between firms and consumers are suffering casualties in U.S. satisfaction rates.UU. your point are lowest of all time.Complaints, boycotts and dissatisfaction is growing with large corporations these are strong indicators that the majority of relationships between customers and companies is not working well. Ironically, the vendors are taking steps to build relationships with customers, they are often responsible for the destruction of these connections.Companies may want to learn more about your customers and the provision of services in favour of them, but clients are fed up.They are tired of the relevant survey questions, choices about products, which we’ll never actually use.

With the proliferation of online stores that complement the traditional points of sale, firms now have a huge source of information about the preferences of consumers.Since a traditional store may not always have all the products on their shelves, results of purchase are not always in good measure of desires.While online stores can track patterns of demand from consumers with greater precision, since they offer wide ranges of products to domestic and global clients. The web is more than just a sales channel, is a powerful means of collecting data in real time.The Internet really is the new frontier in connection with the customer, offering a great opportunity for companies to improve relationships with customers. In the new Social Marketing, is Buzz from google, and the offer of Word of mouth. How to marketing? can you perform is of these two forms together? Some experts say the old times of thrust of marketing through television and print advertising, are techniques that they are no longer as effective.