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Karabakh Settlement

The best hope of Azerbaijanis in 2010 related to the Nagorno-Karabakh. This year will be the victory of Azerbaijan in its struggle for the liberation of Azerbaijan from Armenian occupation. This was announced today at a press conference, Director Center for Political Innovation and Technology Mubariz Ahmedoglu. Faith in the victory of Azerbaijanis is based on a sober analysis occurred in the past year events, the great potential of the Azerbaijani state, all possible country to mobilize for the return of Karabakh under the control of the country. The most striking figure in this series Ahmedoghlu called surprisingly effective work on the new Ministry of Defence Industry of Azerbaijan. "For the first time this year in the New Year speech, President Ilham Aliyev did not say that Azerbaijan would use force if need be. Aliyev said that the occupied territories will be released in any case, and Azerbaijan intends to wait any longer, "- said the analyst. To free the occupied territory of Azerbaijan has mobilized four factors: its politics, diplomacy, economy and military capabilities.

Examples Ahmedoghlu called fundamental answer to Baku direct U.S. financial assistance to NC, bypassing the Azerbaijani government, rebuffed attempts to unlock the Turkish border with Armenia without progress in the Karabakh issue, the record indicator of development of Azerbaijan's economy in 2009. "Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is the leader of the military party. Therefore, the efforts of the Minsk Group did not yield results. At the talks with Armenia should be sent no diplomats, and officials from ministries of Defense, Russia and France.