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Pressure Cooker

A pressure cooker or even pressure cooker are used today. The first pressure cooker was discovered in 1679 in Alexandria and since then more and more developed. in 1927 the company Silit brought the first pressure cooker on the market and 19 years later Max Keller filed a usage body signal device with pressure relief valve to the patent. Today you called a pressure cooker pressure cooker, which can reach temperatures in excess of 100 C. This works by increasing the boiling point of water by a pressure-resistant sealed container. The resulting steam so the pressure is increased.

Advantages of this type of cookware are time savings through the development of the steam and the higher temperatures, the food faster cooking; as well as energy savings by avoiding the steam to escape. Newgape.de offers such pots in their online shop. They consist either in stainless steel or in so-called Silargan, which will be developed and used by the company Silit. This invention made possible ferromagnetic steel at 850 degrees with several Layers of a high-tech to take over ceramic and so almost impermeable and hard, easy to clean and to make signs to insensitive. The models at Newgape.de are between 3.5 and 6.5 litres and are almost without exception for all kinds of cookers, induction also suitable. The Sicomatic-E model”as an example has an extra large pressure regulator, a colored cooking level display, an ergonomic handle, automatic vent, two fixed adjustable temperature settings and a diameter of 22 cm.

It consists of the Silirgan. “The model internships”, however, has a cylindrical shape with decanting edge, a cooker set of stainless steel, safety valve and overpressure protection on the rim of the lid, a 5 mm strong ground and a security mechanism for easier opening and closing. Because as with all pressure cookers note, you should open the lid without release the pressure as cool or pressure relief valve, otherwise threatening burns and heavy soiling. Alexander Lanew

Heating Costs Rise

With the professional, highly efficient as well as outwardly attractive VELUX solar system you can produce hot water and heating support, which not only saves money but is also environmentally. Solar radiation over all Germany gives sufficient light to use for natural energy. Even in the globally rather Sun-poor Germany the radiation of the Sun supplies still the up to 80fache of the total current energy needs. While only about 10% apply in Northern Germany less solar energy than in southern Germany. Solar systems increasingly support the oil or gas boiler heating and hot water. In addition to increase in value for the House, efficient solar collectors make every household a piece far less dependent on commodity prices. A solar thermal system reduces not only the oil or gas consumption, it reduces also the annual CO2 emissions of the heating system by up to 35%.

Financial support for the Federal Government to promote solar shelves speaks for it. For the solar systems, the customer receives advance tested, very good funding opportunities, including the customers by VELUX specialist companies suitable advice special about VELUX. d view. solar collectors solar collectors are outfitted with its sophisticated technology and a high efficiency, resulting in an excellent value for money of already independently of public funding. VELUX can be with their discreet look harmonious, as too attractive to integrate into existing roofs solar collectors. The consistency in the design and the choice of different sizes, the collectors can be combined skylights ideal with VELUX. No limits are set architectonically appealing solutions. Integrating the roof solar panels is well established and provides long-lasting protection against wind and weather.

Solid and high-quality storage technology adds VELUX solar heating, as well as for heating support. The solar collectors can be connected to all standard heating systems. Can a total economic Vision with properly sized solar collectors and storage systems approximately 60% of the annual required energy for the heating of domestic hot water are covered, almost without additional running costs and impact on the environment. VELUX solar collectors and VELUX storage packs are optimally matched, guaranteeing so a high level of efficiency and service life. How do solar collectors refer and installed properly? If customers decide to build your roof VELUX solar collectors, a frequent question is: which craft is suitable? The Nagai Services GmbH, offers a special service and professional advice about VELUX solar thermal systems and the installation of VELUX solar systems as exclusively trained VELUX company. It specialises in the installation as an approved Guild, as well as specialized directly specialist trained by VELUX solar systems operation and can do this have very good references. In the regional catchment area of Berlin, as well as Northern Brandenburg (i.e. within a radius of about 50 km to the headquarters in 16548 Glienicke / Nordbahn around) this company offers its customers an exclusive service service circular to VELUX solar systems.