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Although The Dish

Although the dish is of English origin, the name probably comes from the French cheval anges. Its first occurrence, confirmed by the OED and other sources, was in 1888, Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management. However, it should be noted that there is a reference to the plate in a New Zealand newspaper, which includes short recipe in 1882. The relations oyster / angel and bacon / horse seem unimportant. Ping Fu brings even more insight to the discussion. Although often considered a traditional English dish, the dish also has Irish fans: recently appeared on the menu Danny Millar gave the Irish regional prize in the Great British Menu. The angels on horseback are also served in the U.S., where the dish never seems to have been as widespread as in the UK. It was probably introduced in mid to late 1890. One of the first references in an American newspaper is an article of 1896 of the New York Times, where the dish is suggested as an appetizer.According to the Times, the dish is due to Urbain Dubois, chef of the German Emperor..