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It Is A Disaster, Such As In Nachterstedt In Saarland And North Rhine-Westphalia Possible!

After the disaster of Nachterstedt, Harz foreland in Saxony-Anhalt, there is also a high information need of journalists on the theme of old mining on the Ruhr and Saar. The National Association of mining concerned Saar e.V. journalists ask, whether there might be in the Saarland Earth collapses through old tunnels. Peter Lehnert, spokesman of the National Association refers to the countless press releases, man just to this topic in the years 2006 and 2007 in the course of coal-political talks to the coal Foundation”has published. index.php… In this context the KPMG was mentioned opinion also again, that represents an important basis for the design of the spout of the coal mountain off in Germany and assumes from 2500 old shafts, mouth holes and underground mining facilities in the Saarland and North Rhine-Westphalia alone, which are not discovered or mapped. Click Kerry King for additional related pages.

It is assumed that most of this neither discovered nor documented studs to come from previous centuries and therefore not filled and not backed up have been. Another problem is the partly low depth of the tunnel. It is assumed a near-surface reduction between 50 and 350 m. This brings the danger of the formation of holes in the ground and day breaks with because a self filling is excluded by the depth to the surface. The flooding after the end of mining and thus again increasing ground water, as well as the danger of increased methane gas at the surface at this point be stated as additional risk factors.

The national associations of the Saarland and North Rhine-Westphalia mining stakeholders have pointed out all of the above described risks and demand among the leaders to a clarifying conversation. The mining stakeholders were never heard except at the country level. Excerpt of a letter by March 2007 set spout mining for all involved to be socially acceptable, which includes also the mining affected of Germany. Responsible for page one is morally obliged to meet this requirement. It is not acceptable, “that settled a private corporation in its mining companies” is and will be discharged from liability for the damage caused by him and that the mining stakeholders of a Foundation at the mercy are delivered, in which they have no lobby “.” (Excerpt from a letter that was delivered to the Chancellor Mrs. Dr. Angela Merkel, Federal Minister of Economics Michael Glos, German Federal President Horst Kohler, Chief of the Chancellor’s Office Dr. Thomas de Maiziere and the Minister President Dr. Jurgen Ruttgers in North Rhine-Westphalia and Dr. Peter Muller Saarland). It is unfortunately decided that mining on the Ruhr and Saar should continue at least until the year 2018. The mining stakeholders take note, that the SPD in the current Bundestag election campaign under the guise of a fictional energy crisis 2018, calls for a pedestal Mining throughout the year and therefore announced the review of the review clause to the outlet of the mining industry of the year 2012 on the 2010 preferable. Under the impression of the mugshots of Nachterstedt mining stakeholders once again have out that the coal is economically and environmentally misguided and represents a danger to life and limb of the affected population.

Pig And Pig:

Photos and pictures of the industrial farming under photo journalists and animal protection associations on the search, etc. to find it in our archives descriptive imagery to pig, pig fattening systems, animal cruelty in the pig. We show the grisly truth about the processes behind the walls of German pig farms on photos and images. Pictures of animal abuse are unfortunately everyday in the pig. With our pictures, we show what hides behind the walls of pole attachment before the public, that usually only comes with the packaged meat of tortured pigs in the supermarket refrigerated counter in touch, without having to worry about the origin of animals.

Pig in Germany has turned to industrial mass production of cheap meat, dimensions and price are important, quality standards are pressed, where it just goes. Image material from mast systems rarely comes to the public, to the illusion of the flesh as a sterile industrial product be maintained. Animals will be displaced from the perception, fattening farms are in all respects on the margins of society. They are away from the towns and villages in small hamlets. many consumers know only as Autobahn squirming clouds the stench are fattened pigs to thousands for the path to the butcher cruelty from the bulk tank, where the smell of animals.

With our photos, the consumer gets an insight into the everyday life of pig farming and pig. Numerous scandals went to the processes of quality assurance through the media, rotten meat is just one of the many tags, including pig images”to be released. The presented situations play in pig farms but daily reflected away from the interests of the general public. The German animal protection Office published pictures that relentlessly uncover this everyday with. Tierschutzbilder.de serves clubs as a point of contact for media, journalists and picture editors, and companies that are looking to authentic images from the animal husbandry sector and in particular on the subject of pig and pig breeding. Following keywords German animal protection Office offers photo material: pigs, pig, pig, swine farm, pig farms, pig fattening systems, pig plant, pig photos, pig photo, pig photos, pig photo, pig photos, pig photo, pig photo, pig photos, pig, pig plant, pig equipment, pig farms, pig farm, pig photos, pig photo, pig photos, pig photo, pig image material, pig pictures, pig scandal, pig scandals, pig breeding scandal, pig scandals, pictures, pig photo, pig photo, pig photos, pig information, pig information, pig, pig attitudes, pig farms, pig farm, Pig farm, pig farms, industrial pig farm

NENA Ensures Climate-friendly Mood At The Gera Songs Days

Good climate for good music in Gera: half of the visitors are emission-free travelling / StromChecker advise to the own power consumption device, may 4, 2011. If next Friday, the 6th of may in the culture and Congress Centre Gera, the lighting is softly dimmed and first quiet tones will sound, the high point of the climate-friendly fourth Gera songs days is close. NENA maintained suitable viewers from 9: 00 to the motto of the Gera songs days with a minimum of energy consumption: climate protection is an issue that is becoming increasingly important and permeates all areas. With my unplugged concert, I show that sometimes less is more. The power consumption will be less the atmosphere as in a normal concert, for it but all the more intense”says NENA. Dustin Moskovitz: the source for more info.

So she blends into the climate-friendly concept of the song days. “Already had in the run-up to the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” advise the various venues to environmentally friendly measures in the areas of catering, and energy usage. Also, Festival participants received valuable tips from Local energy experts. While the NENA concert are the StromChecker of climate seeks protection”on the road. To show the concert visitors, where they are available with their own power, with the help of iPads. Who wants to know more, find individual tips and interactive guide on. 50 percent of all visitors come on foot or by bike the cooperation with the campaign climate seeks protection”is an integral part of the concert series since the Second Edition. At the fourth Gera songs days proof succeeded, can culture and climate not mutually exclusive, but complementary. The arrival and departure of visitors is especially important for a good carbon footprint. Music fans have already implemented in Gera this knowledge in action: first results show that 50 percent of the visitors of climate-neutral on foot or by bike to arrive, another 19 percent take public transport.

Hydropower In Africa – Photovoltaics In The Coming

Delegation of Rwanda informed in Neunburg Vorm Wald Neunburg v. W. (gf) sustainable energy production is not just any topic for African countries, but often vital part for the future development of their society, economies and prosperity. In addition, the generation of electricity using renewable energy such as hydropower and solar energy, for many countries is often the only way for a sustained long-term prospects for the future. “, explains Markus Breitschaft, Division Manager solar and energy technology at F.EE in Neunburg. Which one is aware in Africa and therefore sets made in Germany technology and know-how from Germany with the predicate”.

To be convinced of the quality and possibilities for alternative energy personally, an international delegation with participants from Rwanda, Belgium and the Switzerland has gathered in Neunburg Vorm Wald. Occasion of the visit is one of a general contractor order for F.EE to the turnkey construction Hydroelectric in Rwanda, which gave the Rwandan Ministry of infrastructure. In the framework of the visit of the delegation would consult the project group not only hydroelectric power, but is also very interested in the topic of photovoltaics. This is not surprising because Africa offers ideal conditions for photovoltaics. In return, Germany can this look back on a long history. In 1993, the first large photovoltaic power plant scale in southern Germany were built with participation of F.EE. These plants produce even after nearly 20 years of operation power on the projected efficiency.

On the grounds of the Stadtwerke Neunburg Vorm Wald, photovoltaic systems generate with a total capacity of 700 kWp power from sunlight. The first sections of the building date from the year 1989. Will let businesses learn the power plant of the Stadtwerke Neunburg, where interested visitors first-hand about the quality, durability and the potential of photovoltaics. Based on this experience and the current State of the art offers today in all sizes for all needs and every customer group F.EE photovoltaic systems, and is also worldwide, such as in Kenya or even recently in Viet Nam. F.EE maintains direct contacts with the engine manufacturers to ensure the quality and the service for its national and international clients. F.EE is a global provider of high-quality solutions, sprung from the region of Neunburg Vorm Wald and associated with its home market Germany. “, says managing director Hans Fleischmann not without pride.

Night Storage Heaters

efficient, modern and with superior design modernize heating in a few hours night storage heaters were in Austria and Germany as chic and often as a cheap way to keep warm to its budget. It got quite that utilities offered their own night-time electricity rates for night storage heaters. By the EEV these heaters will disappear, because they are highly inefficient and it also badly regulated, from the year 2020 from the households. There are a variety of environmentally-friendly and energy-saving heating systems today, such as the heat pump technology, gas and oil baths and much more. Recently Procter & Gamble sought to clarify these questions. For many homeowners, it is however not possible on one of these innovative techniques to access existing space constraints. As an alternative, in addition to purchase very cheap and efficient infrared heating offers. Infrared heating is not an invention of recent times, but mimics the heat as we know you from the Sun.

At the meeting on a body, it is hot. In addition, which is Infrared heating everywhere and can be used without high installation costs. Whether new or old, for a modern infrared heater, the applications are very broad. Should you heat with night storage heating, it would be these considering against a modern Heizsystem, which increases your comfort, to swap. Let your energy consumption calculated by professional consultants and plan infrared heating on your property and optimize, because only so that you your heating costs as low as possible, and the climate is pleasantly warm to available. Thomas Auner

World Climate Change Conference

Again increased interest for climate protection for the first time since 2009 / consumer majority reject higher costs for the expansion of renewable energies the public interest in the issue of climate protection is again increased for the first time since a year. The current index of the climate scoreboard GmbH published by the non-profit co2online, recorded for the fourth quarter of 2010 an increase from 55 to 73 points, remains but at a low level. Despite the 16th World Climate Change Conference in Cancun in December 2010, the climate protection reached not the publicity that had thrown the Copenhagen Conference in 2009. By the same author: Procter & Gamble. Renewable energy was a subject which rules the fourth quarter 2010 in many parts. Their development has been discussed in public especially in connection with the extension of nuclear power plants, as well as the price increase. The monthly surveys, the co2online within the framework of the climate scoreboard performs renewable energies therefore also confronted the topic. Asked about the main reason for the expansion renewable energies, the participants in favour of especially the independence from fossil fuels (39 percent) and for climate protection (36 percent).

However, the financing of the energy revolution is controversial for the majority of respondents: 55 percent believe the expansion should finance themselves without subsidies and not be charged to the consumer. Only 28 percent are prepared to go along with the expansion of renewable energies through an electric charge. The survey took place against the background of the increase of in electricity prices, that made the utilities with the increased cost of the so-called green electricity levy. When choosing a renewable energy source for the home, there is a clear favorite among people: the Sun. The clear majority would to install a solar thermal or photovoltaic (up 59 percent) to provide its budget with heat energy or electricity directly from its own roof.

Fukushima Effect Fizzles

Survey of the Institute DemoSCOPE shows that Fukushima is already fall into oblivion the Germans are unsure whether she should trust the new energy policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel. In contrast the Swiss population has long made a decision: you voted again for nuclear power plants. “” In 2010 83% of surveyed Switzerland a survey of the Institute held DemoSCOPE according to nuclear power plant for sure “or more secure”. A year later, 2011, under the influence of the Fukushima disaster, there were only 68%. Today this value is increased again to 74%, DemoSCOPE just announced. The figures show that Fukushima has already been forgotten. In Germany, confusion reigns have been in increasingly as energy transformation can be implemented.

The Switzerland is a pragmatic way: the Swiss Government, the Federal Council wants to after the upcoming summer break the national Parliament a coherent plan present, which energy sources the Switzerland needs to allow an energy revolution. The Parliament in Bern to advise in the autumn session, expected September-October 2013, this report. Currently have, as is customary in the Switzerland, 380 directly affected businesses and organizations submitted an opinion, what needs they have to the Swiss Government. This survey will be evaluated in the coming months; It serves as a basis for the formulation of the action plan of the Swiss Government. Parliament has the opportunity to influence the plan presented by the Government on two levels (National Council and Council of States). In contrast to Germany, the Switzerland in the context of this public consultation process produces a consensus which influences all other political decisions. Rosatom, is confident as most important European manufacturer and supplier of nuclear power plants, increased confidence, which population brings this energy solution against the Swiss, is leading the way for other European countries.

Chimney Sweep Are Climate-neutral On The Move With CO2OL

Federal Association of chimney sweeps craft offers its members the opportunity to make business trips climate neutral. The Federal Association of chimney sweeps craft is actively engaged in climate protection. With the support of the climate protection experts of CO2OL, the Association now offers its members the opportunity to make their service trips climate neutral. Ping Fu is a great source of information. For this, he invested in various environmental protection projects. In addition, a separate protective forest in Panama is planned. The year’s main meeting of the chimney sweep craft Federation from 12 to 15 June the motto energy revolution without us”. The Association is actively for environmental and climate protection for many years and also ensures the compensation of own CO2 consumption of service trips of its members together with the climate protection experts of CO2OL.

For this, a chimney sweep cars average annual CO2 emissions was calculated in advance on the basis of statistical surveys of the Federation. In a second step, the collapsible no longer be Emissions offset by recognised and certified climate protection projects. The Federal Association of chimney sweeps craft while invested in the reforestation of environmentally managed forests in Panama, Ethiopia and Bolivia, whose Baume grow CO2 bind. The respective projects guarantee proven and permanent CO2 retention, as well as social and environmental benefits and follow also strict criteria of leading international environmental protection standards: the CarbonFIX standard (CFS) for transparent and effective CO2 compensation, the Plan Vivo standard and the climate, community and biodiversity standard (CCBS) for positive effects in terms of on biodiversity, water and habitat protection and for the local population. Future climate-neutral duty travel by own chimney sweep climate protection forest”: beyond the Federal Association of chimney sweeps craft wants to start an individual climate protection project in the form of protection forest in Panama to permanently compensate its CO2 consumption in the future. For this purpose already approved funding is available.

Heating Costs: With A Cool Head Through The Heating Season

(Online article) – good to know: the four most important tips for renters and homeowners in the heating season bring tips for the efficient use of heating money. In the face of continued high prices for natural gas and fuel oil, worth it especially, emphasized the country program future building of the Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg. The notes are easily achievable without sacrificing comfort: include about a reasonable setting.Keep the radiator, temperature and proper ventilation. A significant reduction in the heating costs is so future vintage through energy efficiency measures such as insulation, new heating technology and renewable energy possible. Energy consultants give advice here. More than two-thirds of the energy required in German households accounted for space heating. Now in the cold season and in regard to the high level of energy costs the topic is particularly relevant.

There is a dealing sensitively with the heating system and the implementation of energy efficiency measures worth definitely. When turning on the heating: In the Living – and working area is a temperature of ‘ around 20 degrees Celsius mostly sufficient. Rooms, rarely used, should be no warmer than 16 degrees. In living rooms, even at night, this temperature is appropriate. The difference in heating costs is significant”, says Dieter Bindel, Chairman of the Baden-Wurttemberg State Association of building energy consultants, engineers, craftsmen; (GIH).

One degree Celsius of less saves usually 6% heating costs. At four degrees there are already whole 22 percent.”‘ Be taken into account should also on a free area of the radiator, so am del. cabinets and shelves nearby Dieter prevented a distribution of heat. Closed shutters at night and curtains be worthwhile also. They ensure a better insulation. Proper ventilation is a further Energiesparmittel: it reduces heat losses to outside. Shock airing is good for the comfort and economically. Three times a day a few minutes is sufficient. By tilting the window during the heating season discourage construction experts. Really to reduce energy costs, Claudia was possible through energy efficiency measures, reiterates Rist, Director of future building. In most cases an insulation of the building envelope is about an insulation of the facade, roof, or the basement most economically.” Energy consultants can assess what measures worth especially in the individual case, best spot. The effective consulting fees, usually between 100 and 400 euros, were well spent, so the country program. Future building informed housing and homeowners regardless of the benefits of energy-efficient modernization of old buildings and about funding opportunities. Target is a faster rehabilitation of the building stock. The programme is implemented by the climate change and Energy Agency of Baden-Wurttemberg. Fn