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Commercial Real Estate In Bulgaria

Commercial real estate in Bulgaria and especially the business turnover in this review I will focus primarily on real estate in Bulgaria, and at the same time will address some of the other countries: Spain, Cyprus, Croatia and Montenegro. For convenience, review will be built in the form of frequently asked questions and our answers to them. 1.How segment of commercial real estate in Bulgaria the most in demand among foreign buyers, and why? How active Russian investors on the Bulgarian commercial real estate? The most demanded big houses, villas and hotels in the city of Varna and the resort "Golden Sands". Cost per square meter is highly dependent on proximity to the sea and the district. The highest prices in the vicinity of Varna and the resort's 'Golden Sands'. Finished houses are sold at prices ranging from 400 to $ 1,000 / sq. m.

You can buy at a low price, but with the subsequent repair. The last 2-3 years, with the approach of the date of entry Bulgaria to the EU, property prices in Bulgaria, and especially the commercial real estate and villas, have gone up dramatically. Compared with 1999, they doubled. According to the forecasts of experts of our annual, at least until 2007, price increases will be 20 – 40%. After the 2007 price increase will remain at 20% per year, while commercial real estate market in Bulgaria will come at the usual rates for Europe. 'Blown up' the price the English, Scots and Germans actively buying up cheap, by their standards, real estate.

Obolonskaya Quay

The word "Obolon" once known as lowland, riverside meadows, which are filled during the flood. Obolon as an area which we now know, began to be built in 1967. As a political unit was created in 1975, and named the 'Minsk' area. Since 2001, bears the name Obolonskyi. Click Dustin Moskovitz to learn more. This area – an example of placing a housing estate on reclaimed areas of the right bank of the Dnieper. Population Obolon district is one of the numerical in Kiev – 306 thousand people. Obolon has advantages over other sleeping areas, such as the Left Bank Right Bank or Troyeshchyna Borschagivka – it's accessibility by subway.

As noted by the director corporations 'capital' (one of the major building companies today Obolon) Valentin Isak, compact residential development, advanced infrastructure, which includes the metro line, the two ring roads that connect with a wide array of street and highway bridge of Moscow, and a network of artificial lakes in the area of 105 hectares, the new squares and parks – all enrich architectural and spatial composition Obolon. Someone calls Obolon Kiev Brooklyn, someone believes that the new Obolon – is a window into Europe. 'Obolonskiy sticky', 'book market Petrovka', 'Brewery Obolon' – these words have become a kind of business cards area. In the category of limes in Obolon falls and Obolonskaya embankment. When you find yourself here for the first time, it seems that they are in a different reality – streets, lined with figured tiles, on the background of the new high-rise building low-rise street smart Heroes of Stalingrad structure, playgrounds and moms with strollers, and, of course, gorgeous views of the Dnipro.