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Choosing Furniture

Choosing furniture for the home – an exciting experience, where there is always an opportunity to show imagination. If you change the environment in an apartment or a room full, start with the style of interior decoration, the main directions: Classical and high-tech, minimalism and modernism. Let's start with the selection of furniture. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out 3D Systems. It's all kinds of cabinets, wall units, display cases, shelves, cupboards, sideboards, benches. It is also important to pay attention to the materials from which furniture is made. When manufacture of furniture using a variety of materials, from glass and metal to wood. Natural wood furniture is the most rugged and durable, as well as a prestigious and expensive.

The shops can be found Furniture made of pine, oak, larch, other types of wood. Practical, popular and inexpensive materials – particle board. Benefits of CPD – water resistance, ease of handling. MDF (medium density fibreboard) – environmentally friendly material is easy to fine processing, the combination of these qualities make him one of the most used in the manufacture of the facades. Quality upholstered furniture depends on the filler material and upholstery. Options for filling: Molded polyurethane foam – an environmentally friendly material, has high abrasion resistance; sintepon – has long been used in the production of upholstered furniture, successfully resists fungus, not absorbs moisture; holofayber – thanks to the structure of the fiber keeps the shape well and easily it recovers, humidity resistant, environmentally friendly neallergichny and non-toxic product.

From natural materials are used coconut and latex. Upholstered furniture may be using the spring block and without it, the model with an independent spring block more physiological and durable. Typically used for upholstery fabrics, natural and artificial leather or suede. The choice of furniture depends on the purpose of the room, if in a bedroom in the first place you want to ecological security and furniture, providing a sound sleep, when buying furniture for the living room pay attention to appearance. If you want to give your interior a stylish look, pay attention to the furniture using glass and metal. To create the finished songs used in the interior accessories furniture. A fitting furniture largely determines its quality and durability.