Dig Frontiers

leading the digital world

Colombia Company

Develop the ability to technological, scientific, economic yhumana this position is very important and impact me because it includes precisely the human material that personal concept is the most important thing in an organization and the scientific quality that is essential for innovation and generate contributions to society the important promote the culture of work on computer that creates the synergy that makes all the goal a reality with greater ease for these reasons it is important to use open systems for the need for the company than the protagonist of all the strategies the ideal is that they are the product of the ideas of many people who are committed fully to the company because in this way the will to execute them is complete also is urgent that workers have spaces where can express with freedom as the obligation of the organization is to foster a sense of belonging It is the fundamental basis to run the company as a company; The application is in the form of critique our country are the richest geographically we have innumerable natural resources but we are the poorest economically speaking because the resources have not been used properly in addition that we do not have the appropriate technology or invest is research which is the fundamental basis for having a strong scientific capacity, nor we were interested in the human being of our Organization so there are no guarantees to be competitive in the world market for achieve this objective we have to rethink many of the concepts that we are imprentando and understand that everything is in our hands simply is required to evolve our thinking.