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Fukushima Effect Fizzles

Survey of the Institute DemoSCOPE shows that Fukushima is already fall into oblivion the Germans are unsure whether she should trust the new energy policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel. In contrast the Swiss population has long made a decision: you voted again for nuclear power plants. “” In 2010 83% of surveyed Switzerland a survey of the Institute held DemoSCOPE according to nuclear power plant for sure “or more secure”. A year later, 2011, under the influence of the Fukushima disaster, there were only 68%. Today this value is increased again to 74%, DemoSCOPE just announced. The figures show that Fukushima has already been forgotten. In Germany, confusion reigns have been in increasingly as energy transformation can be implemented.

The Switzerland is a pragmatic way: the Swiss Government, the Federal Council wants to after the upcoming summer break the national Parliament a coherent plan present, which energy sources the Switzerland needs to allow an energy revolution. The Parliament in Bern to advise in the autumn session, expected September-October 2013, this report. Currently have, as is customary in the Switzerland, 380 directly affected businesses and organizations submitted an opinion, what needs they have to the Swiss Government. This survey will be evaluated in the coming months; It serves as a basis for the formulation of the action plan of the Swiss Government. Parliament has the opportunity to influence the plan presented by the Government on two levels (National Council and Council of States). In contrast to Germany, the Switzerland in the context of this public consultation process produces a consensus which influences all other political decisions. Rosatom, is confident as most important European manufacturer and supplier of nuclear power plants, increased confidence, which population brings this energy solution against the Swiss, is leading the way for other European countries.