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Pharmacy Suspends

If the knowledge does not occupy place, nothing better than to foment it enters who are so essential for our health as the employees of the Offices of Pharmacy. And it is that according to esteem Asefarma, the Consultant’s office of Active Management of Pharmacies (www.asefarma.com), one of the challenges that appear these professionals to them he is the one of the formation. Actualizar the formation of these workers is an exigency that imposes the market to us, as it explains Carlos Garci’a Maurio, its Partner-Director. To learn to improve By what has been said and as Asefarma stresses: although the pharmaceutical holders realise a process of continued recycling does not happen the same with those who works for them. Whereas these first do not stop forming through the courses that are distributed in the schools of phamacists and different universities and that cause that preparations of Europe are the professionals best in fact is a great outer demand of Spanish phamacists we cannot say the same of the workers of the pharmacy, who normally suffer from a formation plan and professional recycling, adds Garci’a Maurio. Thus the things the Consultant’s office of Active Management of Pharmacies considers that besides having a deep knowledge on pharmacology these workers must be formed in other areas that as much help to increase the yield of the pharmacies like a to improve the image of the Offices. the formation of the personnel is a fundamental leg in the active management of the pharmacies and in its improvement of the yield.

The personnel of the pharmacy must know of marketing, techniques of communication, techniques of sale, computer science of management and certain areas of pharmacy management, like stockaje, management of purchases and sales, etc , stresses the manager. Although it is certain that Asefarma recognizes that in many occasions this preparation does not occur by the absence of quality courses and that in addition they are adapted to his schedules, the Consultant’s office advises to take advantage of the formative supply specifically created for the personnel of the pharmacy and that it has next to the Financial Training center and financed by the Tripartite Foundation for the Formation in the Use – the organism whose patronage is constituted by the Public Administration and more representative the enterprise and union organizations and than persecutes the professional formation for the use. Each company has a credit in formation, to discount of the TCs, that based on the size of the company and the amount that this pays in the square of formation to the Social Security, the credit has one or the other quantity. There are different organizations specialized in making this type of formation, given of discharge in the Tripartite Foundation, to be able to benefit from these advantages to us. Finally the company considers that given the times that run these professionals they must regain consciousness of the importance of the learning. the improvement of the professional competitions, through the formation in the use is best the average one of progress in little favorable economic circumstances like which now they live, finalizes Carlos Garci’a Maurio, Partner-Director de Asefarma.