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Printing Company Joh. Schulte Prints

Customers can document their environmental orientation also on printed products as a first printing in Marsberg offers the printer Joh. Trained a division of MPM medienhaus GmbH climate-neutral printing companies and organisations the opportunity to leave. In other words: all CO2 emissions resulting from the manufacture of stationery, business stationery, or catalogues, are calculated by means of a software, recorded, and neutralized through the purchase of so-called emission certificates. Because on the printed product the climate-neutral printing by means of a signature will be made visible, the users of print products can permanently visualize their environmental orientation and insert the positive image formation in the own customers. Due to the use of green electricity and other emission-reducing measures is the CO2 emissions in the Printing Office Joh. Schulte is relatively low. “This means that the customer the Green Printing” can use for his own work, without that represents a big financial effort to. In terms of voluntary climate protection MPM medienhaus GmbH therefore assumes a pioneering role. With the offer, climate-neutral printing our products, we want to make our personal contribution to climate protection and impetus at the same time,”says Managing Director Jurgen Ronsch. That our employees and customers support this idea and thus their awareness of climate change is woken is us.” Printed by printing Office Joh. Schulte listed climate neutral with the quality mark”marked and customers receive a certificate, which confirms them purchasing climate-neutral. This is shown exactly, what amount of CO2 emissions for the relevant printed product has been neutralized. The TuV-certified ClimatePartner process for printed material takes into account these raw materials (paper, dyes, chemicals), as well as damp and cleaning agents as well as the printing process itself (including prepress and processing). The delivery of the printed matter or the personnel required to print, for example, a business report, is included in the emission calculations.