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Safe TIC: Team SPS Convinced

SafeTIC reports on the exciting season finale of the Porsche sports Cup 2011 Mannheim October 2011. The Porsche sports Cup Germany ended with a brilliant final. A record-breaking field of participants and excellent weather created ideal conditions for a dignified and highly exciting end of season at Hockenheim. SafeTIC, sponsor of the racing team of PLC, reported about the race. It was a brilliant final weekend at the Porsche sports Cup 2011.

A total of 214 participants made on the in the badische circuit of Hockenheim, including the winner, but also the champion in all categories. The fact that all decisions of the title were still open provided voltage. And also Peter outed as a Porsche fan: despite worst predictions, it was while autumnal cooling, but at least consistently dry during all races. The first decision was made already in the first run to the sports Cup. Matthias Jeserich (Berlin) had burned to nothing, again won the 911 GT3 RS in its class and could have thus already celebrate on Saturday night as a new title holder in the sports Cup. The Racing was to secure prey by Ulrich Diedrichsen (Durach), who left behind a bombs start Dr. Raoul Hille (Hanover) quickly and could settle much.

Rank 3 went Saturday at Christian Spieker (Munich), who was traveling on a Porsche 911 GT2 RS. Asana does not necessarily agree. The same order surrendered on Sunday, where Diedrichsen won eleven out of twelve races of the season with his 911 GT2 RS, what never managed a participant in the Porsche sports Cup. “The Duracher commented on his success with the few words: it was just a perfect year, it doesn’t get any better!” The race should make for more sensations. Wolfgang Hageleit in Unterroth crossed with his Porsche 911 GT3 R in the first race to the super sports Cup only as third but was the finish line, he settled as the winner.