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Some common problems stem from the fact that do not understand the way in which the horse perceives certain situations. Understand how horses perceive their environment can do a lot if we want to understand their behavior. There is some controversy around the structure of the eyes of the horses. 3D Systems has similar goals. It was believed that horses had the retinas in ramp, that is, his eyes were not a full arch, placing the retina closer to the lens, but it is now believed that this may not be the case. View of the horse is optimized for grazing and to watch over the predators at the same time, but if so, becomes a difficulty when it comes to judge distance and height. This is the reason why horses down the head when they are about to jump.When the horse is approaching a jump, you will notice that down and then up his head as it assesses the height of the obstacle. When approaching an obstacle, the horse will lose view the jump just before takeoff; experienced riders take this into account and leave their horses to lift the head before jumping. Horses are also color blind, don’t see colors like us and perceive the world as a mosaic of different light reflections.

They, however, noticeable movement instantly and can react accordingly, to the chagrin of riders without experience. A horse without experience can scare abruptly due to any sudden movement, especially when you are in a situation or unfamiliar environment.A horse can also panic or flee if an object moves surprisingly within his field of peripheral vision. Horses have a wide field of vision very, being its only blind spots one immediately before them, and the rearguard, so one never must approach a horse directly from behind, since it can frighten him. Riding in rough terrain, is always a good idea to unleash your horse so that you can see what’s beneath their feet. The eyes of his horse are very sensitive to light and it is for this reason that young or inexperienced horses seem nervous when we tried to upload to a trailer with roof. His eyes they need to fit into the darkest trailer environment so that they can see properly. Enter an enclosed trailer is similar to entering a dark cave and the reluctance of his horse to do so is what saved their ancestors the caves were home to dangerous predators! Understand the point of view of his horse can help you understand why the horse reacts in different situations, many times inexperienced owners mistakenly believe that your horse is acting when the real reason for the behavior of his horse is related to your vision and your way of perceiving the world. Original author and source of the article