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Waiters And Alcohol

Yes, yes, that's all! Drinking men and women, young and old drink, drink Russian and German .. but we will talk not about visiting restaurants and clubs, and the Workers … The fact that the bartenders drink alcohol, nesomnevaetsya one, because all seen, and some even their very entertained, but there is one more important position in the restaurant – the waiter. I'll give an example of one of the establishments of Kiev. Institution positioned as a concert hall and restaurant.

If the area of the hall restaurant 1500kv.m. This restaurant has been in great demand in the "corporate" season, ie November-mid January. During this time held about 50 events of 300 to 600 guests. At such meropiyatiya goes to work all the staff restaurant and supporting the so-called professionals "on call" only about 50 people (I worked as a waiter). So, having come to work late in the afternoon, dressed in a working form, I estesstvenno sending the hall to work together with all, but in a special lounge staff was ready glade esstestvenno efforts of waiters and customers at the expense of the event, but the last on this course did not know …

as well as administrative staff restaurant (all of it carefully hid, and later tell you how). So far, the bulk of the waiters prepares hall, two or three of them goes to the stuff (this is the room) and starts within minutes of tight, "throw the collar, and the presence of always an unlimited amount of alcohol and snacks, all in the same range as that of reviews:). After a few minutes smenyaetsya watch, so for a half-hour of the entire staff is already "ready!" To work. This regime all adhere throughout the event, and the period of "corporative". After his graduation all by turns go on short vacations for improvement. Estesstvenno, describe all the interesting cases are with us and our guests, occurred because our state does not make sense, it's easy to imagine, but I will say one thing – no one else was hurt:) In the usual "peace" is not currently prekraschaetsya, but it looks harmless, because both changes are much fewer employees and of itself is not such an abundance of drinks and snacks, but the stock "of provisions," which is stored at the best time is usually enough for a couple of months! But kschastyu and thanks to the progress, there were supermarkets:) Buy store cognac, had not so much vybyrat brand and how the shape of the bottle (to hide in pants), because at the entrance to the restaurant on duty security guard who was supposed to monitor such things … nirazu we do not suck:) Conspiracy. Disguise the drinks are very simple – Konya ma poured into chaynichek and drank his tea from kruzhechek:). Vodka is poured into bottles of mineral water and pilas from the throat, sometimes in front of manual:) This is one example institutions, where workers are always under the influence of "dope." After I have worked in other institutions, the scheme there was another, but the result totzhe .. One day a colleague of mine shared his impressions of the training at McDonald's – there, too drunk! drinking and 5 * restaurants and Handel on the road … maybe it's Slavic nature – for free and chlorine tovrog:) still a lot of interesting things about our work can be found at sayteBIF-Club Club bartenders and waiters CIS