Analyzing the economic assessments to understand the urban structure in developing countries As Alfredo Munoz, Architect graduated in Spain, founder of ABIBOO Architecture and PhD in Architectural Design in the U.S.A indicates: India presents some features shared with the rest of Eastern countries and, at the same time, shows other specific characteristics that should be detailed researched in order to understand the new urban structures and the infrastructures of the country as well.. Hand in hand with the cultural change, result of globalization, economy is the engine that gives impulse to such transformation. That is why is so essential to analyze the economic assessments to understand the urban structure in developing countries, moreover if we take into account that in those countries, the economic pressure normally promote, organize, and structure the new urban spaces and infrastructures of the city. It will be then, Alfredo Munoz remarks, as a result of the socio-cultural circumstances and properties of a given place, when we will be able to analyze the urban and infrastructural typologies. In the case of India, we can observe that the topology, conceived as the science of connectivity, moves close to explain the new urbanism, where the important in architecture are not the objects by themselves, but the space – time relations between them… The ABIBOO Architecture founder wants to emphasize also that in the urban environment, this topology leads to a sponge-like, concentrated, and vast space that prompts different relationships between the natural and the man-made environments, relationships that can hardly keep being expressed in background – figure gestaltic terms. The European model of city and public space gives way in India and in a large number of BRIC to other kind of organization more open, less structured where the separation line between public space and infrastructure becomes thinner, even merging together. ABIBOO Architecture offers an innovative architectural design, which has always been present in its international architecture, From Interior and Furniture, or numerous typologies of Architectural Design, to Landscape and Urban Design..