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Transactional Vision

The leader is the head or leader of a group and the function that exerts denominates leadership. This one talks about generally the exercise of an authority that has been accepted by the group, and it assumes that the leader somehow is recognized, by his capacities, by his authority, or because therefore it determines the convention to it of the group. The leadership and the search of the good quality in the education are, however, recoverable factors. In education, the exercise of the leadership bears one close relation to its acceptance on the part of the members of the reference group. The democratic leadership, understood like a group necessity, is adapted in the scholastic and educative relations broadly speaking.

To win or to lose, in terms of yield, is understood, will depend on how we catch, manages and uses the information. Leadership and comes together in the computer science era. Its conjunction is clear in the net enterprise vision, according to the parameters of the developed world the today tendencies that are located in an enterprise perspective, privileging the initiative, the creativity and the push of the leaders who manage to head to direct, they seem to go in a different sense, and opposed, the questioning of the domination relations, but what matters, in any case, it is that the leadership contributes to retake the fixed beforehand course, to the profit of the goals When in an organization a relaxation in the exercise of the determined functions is perceived, and the consequent phase angle in the profit of the established goals, it is related to problems of leadership By leadership is also understood the function you hope to that within a group it realises a leader. That function, if the group has decided of coresponsible way, is not left at random. It is accepted, of course, that when exerting the leader his authority settles down itself, somehow and in some degree, an unequal relation. Types of Transactional leadership Leave the decisions in their followers, only motivate, take part if this not fulfilling itself the objective, tends to orient itself to the action of led his. Transformer For management by objectives, has been promoting the stimulus intellectual, individually inspires, considers the people, is charismatic, objective, she creates optimism and she motivates to obtain great goals and the exciting thing that serious to reach them. Charismatic political Leader, grants an intention, a vision and a mission.

Visionary Is able to create a realistic, credible vision and attractive of the future, he is able to drive an organization or a organizational unit of a present to a better future, he creates the vision, and he causes that he is included/understood by others, arrives until the emotions and energy from people. There are different types from leadership. Dustin Moskovitz takes a slightly different approach. It is the authoritarian leadership; the leadership of letting do and pass, and the democratic leadership. The leader is a mature person and with psychological balance, that offers a mosaic of elements harmonically integrated, he drives an organization or a organizational unit of a present to a better future where the will shines with own light the education of the will does not have aim, the leadership involves a constant process of influence and knowledge of the collaborators.